Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Step Up


Been 3 days off from one of my daily activity. I did this because I want to.
For information, I was under contract for about 1 year. Now, it's time for 'me time'. 
That 'me time' doesn't mean I spend all my time just with me, myself and I. BIG NO! That is mean "I am gonna seek for another best one".

I leave them all behind. In front and behind me they were all asked "Why did you do that?"
The simple answer that could I say "Because it's been a year and my time in here is over". "Why didn't you extend this contract?" "Beacuse I don't want to".

Yes. After releasing day.. I feel FREE.

Now my day is fulfill with happiness and seeking for another best one. Still pursue my dreams. I want to spread my wings and fly higher.

Life is like going upstairs, step by step can make you to the top.

Good luck and all the best, Indah!

Last but not least, for my PCH team we won't forget each other, right?

Warm regards,
Indah N.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Sweet Sugar


I am back. Back with something sweet. Don't you wonder, do you?
It is been long time since my last cover video Haru Haru by Big Bang and now I'm back with new short cover "Sugar by Maroon 5".

This new cover I am featuring with my sister to join and sing the song. FYI., my voice is not recommend to do cover or singing , better to play guitar or any other music instrument. Well I am kidding.

Up up.
Have you seen?
What do you think?

That is just to having fun. Singing and playing music. Sharing our hobbies. She likes singing and I like to strumming my guitar. So yes here we are.

Say no to stress, say yes to making music!

Thank you.

Indah N.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

That Thing


Hi fellas.

How are you doing?
Me isn't well and isn't bad.

Many thoughts on my head, recently. Feel like it is going to explode! Trying to relax and chilling but I can't.
Sadly, but that was the truth. I do not know if this over-think or not.

Start from wake up in the morning until sleeping in the night, my mind remind me again and over again about "that thing". "That thing" that makes me feel like crazy, confusing, and -I cannot describe anymore-.

Sometimes "that thing" makes happy, but sometimes makes sad. Madly, deeply.

"That thing" I called ....

Why so selfish?
Why should thinking of you, even you are not think about me a bit?
Why do I need to take care of you, even you are don't care about me?
Why do I have to miss you, even you are never miss me?

I do not know the answers yet, and I need it.
Do you know?

-A confused girl-

Thursday, January 01, 2015

Best of 2014

Hi. I was disappear for a long time. Not hiatus, currently I was too lazy to update blog. Many reasons why I do not update. Anyway, hello I am back…and am ready to welcoming new year 2015!

2014 gave me great experience. Thank God, feel blessed.

Let us check it out one by one.

Start from resolutions that I wrote in the end 2013, I was dreaming to graduate, have a job, traveling, diving & snorkeling until wish to find my destiny. Yap the last sentence is not kidding. Am a 21 y-o. I have to continue my life with person I love and loved me…and I still look for this one.

Alhamdulillah.. some of them can I chase. Graduate on May 2014, have a job on July 2014 until now, traveling to Malaysia on Idiil Fitri. Happy. Thank God.

Talking about job, now I am a purchaser in a branch of Japanese office. The location is in Batam. Yes I am back to town that I’ve been miss wherever I go out. Honestly purchasing is out of my background; Physics. I have no idea when the first time join. What is purchaser does?. At first I apply this vacancy was to Production Planner, but Purchasing team wants me to join them. So I accept this opportunity, and make it as an experience and learning. Somehow, I enjoy this job. I learn new things that I did not know before. Alhamdulillah.. I am thankful for this chance. Thank you Ms. R, Mr. T and all purchasing team to welcoming me in this Department. Wish I could longer to work in here and with you all.

Now, let’s move about traveling. This one is my fave to tell.
On August 2014 ago, I backpack to Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Then to Malaka and final location is Kuala Lumpur. Wuss. One of my dreams came true; going to Malaysia and see Petronas twin tower by my eyes. Alhamdulillah.. I could explore Indonesia’s neighbor. And next we plan to go to Thailand & other countries. Amen.

Traveling, is not so far from music. Yes, when you feel bored on the road you can play/listening music. I have hobby to play one of music instruments; GUITAR. I love to play guitar. On this year I could perform in front of many people! New experience for me. Wish for future I could be an artist, no artist like drama-player but more into guitar player. No one knows what is going on in the future.

Graduate from physics, now work as a purchaser and future wish to be guitar player ahahaha no idea so out of background, but I enjoy this ‘road’.

My motto is wake up and chase your dream. So many dreams in my head and I have to chase ‘em one by one. Amen.

2015 is coming.

Ready or not, we have to face new year and wish for better things.
Well, I do. I wish in 2015 I could be a better person, good health, mature, be brave, endure of life, wish to find my destiny, wish always gather with my family, wish my mom and dad stay healthy and long life. Wish all the best.. and my dream come true.

Thank you 2014, I learn much things and ready to meet 2015.
Wish 2015 gives cheerful days more than previous years did.

Indah N.

Saturday, March 01, 2014

Beauty February


Hello hello!
I'm so excited to write my story about "Beauty February" here. 

Alhamdulillah February 20, 2014 ago I had an unforgettable moment. Alhamdulillah Ya Allah.. On that day, I had an undergraduate thesis-test, which in Bahasa called by Ujian Sidang Pendadaran. Finally I had done with this sh*t duty as a Physics student. 

In physics major UGM, we have many fields such as Laser and Acoustics, Cosmology, Astrophysics, and Mathematical, Material physics, and so on. By that fields I interested in Laser, so I decided to meet lecturer which works in that field too. Time by time after thinking too much, asking seniors, asking friends.. My heart and mind chose Dr. Mitrayana as my undergraduate thesis supervisor.

When summer vacation and most of my friends went to their home, I met Dr. Mitrayana at his office to ask and talk about Laser and my undergraduate thesis. I talk very to the point to him that I want be his student to do undergraduate thesis about laser and medical physics. 

So he was agree and asked me, "Ok I agree, but which one do you want, theoretical or experiment?". I think as fast as I can, and I said, "Theoretical, sir". "Hmm, you can start by read this and that papers. If you have trouble to understand this, please meet me as soon as possible". "Yes sir, I'll read this first. Thank you so much. sir". ...Then I walked out from his office and start to read and study that subject... and I got headache :p.

Time gone so fast, and I was not touch and read those papers because I had do to campus and study whats on schedule. Time by time.. I had KKN, and right after KKN, as I remember on September 2013 I start again to touch, to understand, to study about my undergraduate thesis subject. I met Dr. Mitrayana again after very long time not meet him. This is super serious talk and I start to consultation to him as much as he and I could. 

Sweat, tears, and blood mixed up to make this undergraduate thesis. OMG.. And Alhamdulillah until the day that Dr. Mitrayana sign my script or ACC. Alhamdulillah I felt so so happy.

From this sign,

I prepared my files to do undergraduate thesis test, right on February 20, 2014! Alhamdulillah.. :)
"Sweat" become "Sweet". So so happy on that day when Dr. Mitrayana signed it. My feet was tremble, unbelievable, after did revision again and again.. Finally that time and day is coming.  

L-R: Dr. Mitrayana, Me, and Dra. Eko T.
Thank you very much for your kindness to me, Sir. I learn much things from you. And also thank you so so much to Dra. Eko T. Sulistyani, for being my "mom" in Physics major. I thank GOD, that I have and meet gorgeous lecturer like you two. God bless you two, sir and mam.

Picture taken by Yusuf
 I would like to thank to my friends; Puri, Yusuf, Zam. I thank you guys so so much. You three are good friends, without you three maybe right now I'm still doing my revision mehehe :p

To Nurra and Winda Noor thanks a lot girls for being my volunteer when I rehearsal with Dr. Mitrayana.

Makasih untuk Zam yang sudah ngajarin aku dan teman-teman Fisika yamg lain tentang materi Fisika yang umm... susah ini. Makasiiih banyak, Zam.

Makasih untuk Yusuf yang sudah install-in laptop aku dan yang sudah minjemin aku wireless presenter pas presentasi sidang pendadaran. Makasih Ucup. That means a lot.

Makasih untuk Puri, yang sudah memberikan semangat selama ini untuk segera menyelesaikan skripsi bersama. Akhirnya, saya maju di tanggal 20 dan kamu tanggal 21 :). 

Maaf sudah merepotkan kalian, dengan sms tanya ini-itu dari pagi buta sampai hampir tengah malam. Bahkan pada saat Puri dan Zam liburan pun masih tetap aku ganggu. Maaf ya. Makasiih banyak teman-teman! :p

Makasih juga untuk Nurra dan Winda yang telah meluangkan waktunya untuk mendengarkan aku latihan presentasi. Kalau ngga datang waktu itu, mungkin Pak Mitra ngga ACC skripsi ku. Makasih :))

Also thank you all my Physics friends, my friends in Batam, my KKN friends, my flat-mates. And friends that can't write here one by one. Thank you guys, you all rock!

Keep in touch wherever we are, ok? :))


I had two unforgettable moments, one is my test and other is MY 21st BIRTHDAY. I'm blessed! :))

Big smile on my face.

Gifts from my girls: Nurra and Puri. Thank you :*

 My friends said, "Today (Feb 20) is yours". I replied, "No, everyday is mine".

This is gift from me to me, in my 21st birthday, and gift to my parents. 
Mom and Dad, this is for you. Thank you for your support, caring, and love. Thank you for being my sponsor! Love you Mom and Dad. 

Umm.. Dad, could I go home, now? :))

Alhamdulillah.. draft and CD my undergraduate thesis

And this one is gift for my supervisor, Dr. Mitrayana

Thank you all. Also many thanks to my twitter and path friends!

Success for you guys.

This February is amazing. Hope next month is full of blessed.

Alhamdulillah.. one of my resolutions in this 2014 had done, I must do the rest of them.