Friday, February 22, 2013

Turn 20 y.o.


Hi everyone, I'm back on this blog and now I'm officially 20 years old (on February 20, 2013)! Yes Alhamdulillah I'm not a children anymore, I'm going to be an adult. Anyway adult can't be measure by someone's age but by her/his act so I want to show my adult-act to everyone, being polite, discipline, better than before, doing positive and creative things and many more. Hope I could do that! mehehehe.

In this turn 20 years old Alhamdulillah I got many birthday greetings and gifts from my family, and friends. The first person who gave birthday greeting to me is my MUM, Alhamdulillah in this turn age my mum came to Jogja to met me and celebrate my birthday yeay! Love you Mum. And there is unique and creepy birthday greeting from Nurra, she wrote on message like this "Indaaaah, deep condolences, your life decrease every day and bla bla bla" When I read first sentence (yellow text background color), my heart was beat fast then I continue to last message.. Oh she just said Happy Birthday to me. By the way thank you Nurra you have been remind me of DEATH. May Allah SWT. always bless us and we all can meet in Jannah. Amiiin :)

Shoes from my Mum

Brown hena from Senja

Tribal Maxi Dress from my Lil. sister
Batik Skirt from newly wed- Mas Heru & Mba Ami

Soft Blue Hijab from Puri

From Sakinah

Ssssttt, actually there is one surprise or gift that I want, Snorkeling Equipment mehehehe the prize is so expensive for me and I hope someone will give it to me :p

Ah thank you everyone, thank you for the birthday greetings, for the gifts, for the spirit, for the lessons, happiness, sadness, experience, friendship and many more. I learn what I had. I love you all! I feel so blessed and I'm not alone I have many friends and solid big family yeay Alhamdulillah. May Allah SWT. always bless us. Anyway, whenever, wherever you want to give me a gift please feel free to do that :D


  1. Hey ndah, happy birthday!! I'm too late to know :3 wish you all the best yeah :)
